Ethnographic Catalog of Plants in Popular Culture 

Daniel Rasnow and Dr. Colleen Delaney 


The purpose of this ethnographic study is to highlight the collective ethos of traditional medicine. Often categorized with the umbrella term ethnobotany or phytology, traditional indigenous medicine includes a broad array of diverse aboriginal knowledge that has shaped contemporary culture. Natives use their geo-centralized systems to curate plants in order to provide food, medicine, shelter, dyes, fibers, oils, gums, resins, waxes, soaps, and tannins. They even actively curated their local ecological zones through phenological synchronization with the seasons. Contemporary variables such as climate change, economic turmoil, and post-industrialized warfare threaten our bio-diverse world. The most vulnerable communities are indigenous and fourth-world peoples. This research will include a survey of ancient and modern agricultural techniques that can strengthen modern society through the integration of indigenous medical knowledge with conventional Western Medical practices. Focusing structural changes around traditional sacred knowledge will help protect those communities that are most at risk and give humanity the necessary adaptations to survive.


Session 1 – 1:30p.m. – 2:45p.m.

Room A – Sierra 1411