Poster Presentations

Here you will find abstracts and short video recordings of the asynchronous virtual poster presentations.


Oral Presentation Schedule

Here you will find the details of all the oral presentations separated by presentation time and room.


Oral Presentations

Here you will find abstracts for each of the in-person oral presentations.


Welcome to the 14th annual CSU Channel Islands Student Research Conference!

For the first time since 2019 students present their research in-person at California State University Channel Islands!

On this site you will find the many poster presentations submitted to the conference. The poster presentations were completed asynchronously and you will find both the poster files and a short recording of the students discussing their research here. Students have been involved with some very impressive research across many different fields, so be sure to check out what they have accomplished!

You will also find the schedule as well as the abstracts for the oral presentations that students presented in-person on May 7th. We are excited to have students gather together to share their research and engage with one another on campus!

Participating in student research is an important part of any university. Students gain the confidence to function independently and apply critical thinking skills to further our understanding of the various topics they touch upon in the classroom. Faculty can apply high-impact practices one-on-one or with a small group of students, and potentially help further their own research agenda. Additionally, some of these projects may benefit the local community as well! With student research becoming even more important for students who wish to attend graduate school, we are proud to facilitate and exhibit the amazing work being done in the scholarly community.

This conference was made possible thanks to funding from Instructionally Related Activities.

I would like to give a special thanks to everyone who helped run this in-person event:

First, Dr. HyeSun Lee, the co-host of the conference, helped in every aspect of the planning and execution of the event

Jasmine Garcia and Carmen Cortez Ortega, the student research peers who helped run the check-in deck

Drs. Jason Miller, and Luis Sanchez, of the student research office

Stacey Ayers, events planning, University Auxiliary Services, and the Provost’s office

Drs. Beatrice de Oca, Colleen Delaney, Elizabeth Blackwood, Gregory Wood, Hanni Jalil, Hyunsook Youn, Kimmy Kee-Rose, Milagros Ebuen, Rudolf von May, Shannon Andreoli, Sonsoles de Lacalle, Sunghee Nam, and Theresa Avila, oral presentation judges and moderators

— Weldon Zane Smith, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Random Poster Presentations

Random Oral Presentation Abstracts

Provisional Land Acknowledgement

As we gather together both in-person and virtually, we invite you all to take a moment to respectfully acknowledge the Chumash people (in Ventura County where our campus is located) and all the peoples on whose unceded sacred lands we variously meet. At CSU Channel Islands, we honor the stewardship of the Chumash past, present, and future, with gratitude for the land itself, which holds the stories and songs of indigenous peoples. By offering this Land Acknowledgement, we affirm Indigenous sovereignty and will work to hold CSU Channel Islands more accountable to the needs of American Indian and Indigenous peoples.