Development and Deployment of Remote Software Engineering Environment with Web-Editing Capabilities

Harrison Power, Rafael Martinez, & Dr. John Dempsey


Due to the wide range of operating systems and large number of mobile devices on the market, there is a need for an easy to deploy remote software engineering environment that can be accessed via any device with a web browser. Current remote software engineering environments are often difficult to set up, with surprisingly few options currently available. Our goal is to create a simple, elegant solution for remote software engineering that is accessible from any device. Our mentor Professor Dempsey had previously created a software engineering environment that we intend to use as a framework, however it was developed over 20 years ago and needs to be updated and reworked to operate on modern systems. Creation of prototypes and research into currently existing software has been completed, and we are presently beginning development in earnest. This project could make it remarkably simple and accessible for users to create software, which would be especially useful for educational purposes. Students can often run into issues creating their development environment or accessing valid hardware. The deployment of this remote software engineering environment would reduce the barrier of entry for new developers and allow them to focus on learning the fundamentals of coding.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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