Poster Presentations Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am
Grand Salon

  1. News Outlets and their Role in Influencing One’s Belief That Global Warming is Overstated in The Media
    Sahara Sommer & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  2. When We Die: An Observation of the Human Relationship with Death
    Kayla Doornbos & Dr. Colleen Delaney
  3. Individual vs Group Work in Mathematics
    Miguel Solis & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  4. Grazing for Fire Prevention: Using Goats and Sheep to Control Non-Native Weeds at CSUCI
    Selene Lopez, George Hunter Knights, Dr. Ruben Alarcon, & Dr. Amy Denton
  5. Foraging Behaviors of Goats and Sheep Used in Weed Management
    Giovanna Aguilar, Karla Leonard, Christine Perez, Lorena Almaraz, & Dr. Ruben Alarcon
  6. Mindfulness
    Sarah Hernandez, Karina Bennett, & Dr. Beatrice de Oca
  7. Lev Vygodski’s Zone of Proximal Development
    Alejandra Marquez, Karina Araiza, Juan Rosete, Anabel Cervantes, & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  8. Investigating the Effects of Neurotransmitter Supplementation on C. Elegans That Carries the Human Homolog of the Mutant Huntingtin Gene
    Nicholas Burdick, Leslie Alvarez, Leniha LaGarde, Michael Vidal, Dr. Gareth Harris, Dr. Sonsoles de Lacalle, Dr. Beatrice de Oca, & Dr. Hugo Tapia
  9. Are There Racial and Ethnical Differences between Workers Who Carpool or Commute to Work?
    Karla Diaz Rodriguez & Dr. Luis Sanchez
  10. Increased Political Engagement: Living the Climate Crisis
    Mariana Flores & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  11. Get Dry or Die Trying: Molecular and Chemical Chaperones are Essential for Desiccation Tolerance
    Alisha Greenlaw, Emily Heltsley, & Dr. Hugo Tapia
  12. Colored Conventions: Civil Rights Movements in Postbellum Virginia: 1850-1870
    Jairo Rios & Dr. Samantha Acuña
  13. Undergraduate’s Online Course Experience, Study Habits, and Academic Achievement During COVID-19 Remote Instruction
    Brooke Munguia & Dr. Amira Ibrahim
  14. Estrogen As A Mediator of the Relationship Between Multi-Tasking and Executive Functions
    Belem Navarro, Irene Jordan, Jesenia Quintana, & Dr. Barbara Thayer
  15. Teaching Addition & Subtraction of Integer Numbers via Number Line Method
    Jennifer Mota & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  16. The Role of Acetylcholine Dysfunction in Huntington’s Disease
    Paige Travis, Daniela Orozco, Anthony Strohbusch, Gabriel Vargas-Castillo, Dr. Sonsoles de Lacalle, Dr. Gareth Harris, Dr. Beatrice de Oca, & Dr. Hugo Tapia
  17. Parents Level of Education on a Test Anxiety
    Jaiden Seehoffer & Dr. Amira Ibrahim
  18. Lecture on Dilation
    Ninibeth Palencia & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  19. Behavioral Attitudes that Deprioritize the Environment
    Itzel Aguirre Rodriguez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  20. Work Ethics: Individual vs Group Setting
    Nancy Villegas Sanchez & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  21. Teaching Set Theory Sooner: Adjusting Terminology
    Levi Puga & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  22. Social Class and TRAP
    Jonathan Elizarraraz & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  23. The Relationship Between Pessimistic Environmental Behaviors Versus Optimistic Environmental Actions Amongst Individuals
    Sarah Gutierrez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  24. Gender/Race Differences and their Willingness to Pay to prevent Temperatures from Rising
    Nicole Sifuentes & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  25. A Tail of Two Trades
    Robert Schwartz & Dr. Colleen Delaney
  26. Vectors in Aviation
    Juan Torres, Kyle Otterbach, & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  27. How Students Can Interpret Square Roots
    James Pratt III & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  28. Song Type Switching in a Highly Social Songbird Species
    Alexus Hermosillo, Alexander Arviso, & Dr. Francisco Magdaleno
  29. Latina Working Mothers Currently Enrolled in College
    Mayte Mejia & Dr. Luis Sanchez
  30. Race and Environmental Willingness
    Ameris Ikeda & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  31. A Comparison in Childhood Disability Trends From Year 2000, 2010, 2021 American Census Data
    Lydia Jackson & Dr. Luis Sanchez
  32. Recycling Behaviors and Beliefs in Married Couples and Young Adults
    Laura Ramirez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  33. Development and Deployment of Remote Software Engineering Environment with Web-Editing Capabilities
    Harrison Power, Rafael Martinez, & Dr. John Dempsey
  34. California Public Human Resource Policies: Consideration of Disability as an Element of Diversity
    Eloise Cervon, Shayonna Huley, Noel Hubbard, & Dr. Dana Baker
  35. The Perception of Water Pollution Affecting the Neighborhood
    Verenise Reza & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  36. Individual’s Perception of Air Pollution and the Time Spent in Vehicles
    Destiny Villegas & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  37. A Systematic Review of the Decomposition of Plant Roots
    Ulises Magana Dominguez, Leniha Lagarde, Krisha Algoso, & Dr. Caryl Ann Becerra
  38. Are You a Math Person?
    Fernanda Nolasco, Jessica Guerrero, Bryan Chhay, Collin Rudolph, & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  39. Government Actions Surrounding Global Warming and Religious Groups Beliefs
    Aliah Hernandez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  40. ChatGPT as an Intelligent Tutor to Aid in Student Learning
    Chereen Swank & Dr. Minder Chen
  41. Does Political Party Affect how Farmers View the use of Pesticides?
    Palmira Lopez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  42. Women Across Time: Examining Gains in Educational Attainment Among Other Societal Roles
    Carolyn Stickney & Dr. Luis Sanchez
  43. Voting Participation of Latino Groups in “New” Destinations
    Jesus Ruiz & Dr. Luis Sanchez
  44. The Effects Of Nicotine On Uncoordinated Movement In C. Elegans: A New Study Proposal
    Spooner Greenbird, Kathleen Bascos, Coral Menendez, Dr. Gareth Harris, Dr. Sonsoles de Lacalle, Dr. Beatrice de Oca, & Dr. Hugo Tapia
  45. The Effects of Abiotic Factors on Monarch Larvae Behavior
    Sarah Maddocks & Dr. Ruben Alarcon
  46. Decision making with CART
    Spencer Mack, Luis Luna-Badillo, Douglas Escobar, & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  47. Impact of COVID-19 on Student Performance
    Joseph Martin & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  48. Connection between Race and Environmental Attitudes
    Leslie Ruiz & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  49. Drying Without Dying: Small Metabolites Counteract Proteotoxicity During Desiccation
    Jailene Martinez, Gabriella Amador, Alejandra Arroyo, & Dr. Hugo Tapia
  50. Cultural Significance at CSUCI
    Daniela Valenzuela & Dr. Colleen Delaney
  51. Differences of Young Adults in Mexico and United States
    Jenna Santos & Luis Sanchez
  52. Stable Marriage (matching) Problem
    Marco Garcia, Daniel Lopez, & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk
  53. Variance of Motherhood Effects on Environmental Concern by Social Class
    Marisol Gonzalez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  54. The Influence of Social Class on Environmental Concerns and Attitudes
    Gladys Paniagua & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  55. Media Trust and Climate Change
    Melody Nene & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor
  56. How Parent’s Style and Value of Interdependence Relate to Acculturation in the United States
    Amanda Clarke & Dr. Argero Zerr
  57. The Benefits of Collaboration in High School Math
    Citlalli Villegas & Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk