More Than Just Subjects: A Look at The Importance of Collaborating within the Community in Community-Based Research

Anabiah Syed & Dr. HyeSun Lee


The present study highlights the importance of collaborating with community partners in building community-based research studies, and the value of conducting research with the goal of serving the community rather than just conducting research “on the community” (Racine et al., 2022). The purpose of this study is to examine community needs for cultural hubs, which provide underserved populations with access to the arts, and to cultural and community events. This study examines community collaboration with the Oxnard Performing Arts Center (OPAC), which was built in 1968 using funds collected and raised by the Oxnard community. OPAC serves over 350,000 visitors to over 1,500 events annually. The Oxnard City Council has recently proposed redevelopment of the Oxnard Performing Arts Center (OPAC), which would have an impact on the community as this venue serves as a social and educational center for many of the residents. Community-based research is beneficial to both the researchers and their community partners. While the community partners do gain the expertise of the researchers, the researchers gain otherwise untapped access from community partners into community knowledge, history, experience, and their relationships with the population of interest. The value and impact of community-based research is innumerable, as the findings of these studies have very real implications for the communities being studied. The approach used in this study serves to benefit the community at large, and can serve as an example of how working within the community rather than on the community can have a greater impact. The findings of this study will lead to tangible changes that will serve the needs of the community.


Session 2

1:30pm – 2:45pm

Del Norte Hall

Room C: 1535

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