Development of a Satisfaction Survey for a Multipurpose Facility

Martina Ortouste & Dr. HyeSun Lee


The purpose of study is to provide guidelines for developing a satisfaction survey to be administered on a community. The current survey evaluated previous clients’ experience with Oxnard Performing Arts Center (OPAC) and sought suggestions regarding potential improvements based on their experience from the space(s) they rented. The main questionnaire’s structure was divided into 3 themes: Branding and Promotion, Service Factors, and Venue Criteria (Jaimangal-Jones et al., 2018). The items in the Branding and Promotion domain were based on the links available on the OPAC website and the suggestions of the OPAC staff. The items on the Service Factors were derived from on-the site visit, suggestions of the OPAC staff, rental page on OPAC website, and items on Jaimangal-Jones’ Service criteria (2018). The items on the Venue criteria were developed from the suggestions of the OPAC staff, site-visit, OPAC’s rental page, OPAC Community Feedback Session and Jaimangal-Jones’ Venue and Event criteria. Throughout the process, drafts were regularly sent to the OPAC staff for feedback and suggestions. The finalized survey was then translated to Spanish, making the survey available through Qualtrics in both English and Spanish.
The existing survey was developed with its unique characteristics, amenities, services, and community. Being a facility widely rented and utilized by the community, it is vital to obtain input from the community and staff. Furthermore, it essential to have literature references that can provide solid structures to measure the survey-takers’ satisfaction.


Session 2

1:30pm – 2:45pm

Del Norte Hall

Room C: 1535

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