Workload Management Systems

Hendrich Occidental, Eileen Flores, Noah Patterson, and Dr. Ivona Grzegorczyk


We describe various systems of workload management from mathematical point of view. These systems are designed to process work in different situations where a series of tasks needs to be handled to complete the workflow in safe and efficient manners. Workload can be described as either quantitative, which is the amount of work to be completed, or qualitative, which is the difficulty of the tasks. Workload can be managed to be efficiently distributed so the work that needs to be done can evenly use each employee to the best of their abilities. In points of workload can be mathematical thought out. One theory is Wickens theory where tasks or resources are put into a box. The process turns to having several boxes to present a workload. Each box can be described as to one task. Another theory is McCracken and Aldrich which is a similar theory to Wickens but tasks are divided into Visual, cognitive, auditory, and psychomotor. Visual and auditory are described as external stimuli that need prior attention. Cognitive is described as the levels of information process required to do the tasks. Psychomotor is simply the physical demands. Workload management is required to increase or maintain performance during such workloads on different operating systems.


  1. Interesting. I once tried using a schedule for group project it didn’t work. I like the five steps that you have written it’s a good set up for group projects.

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