The Attitudes of Having a Cannabis Dispensary within Close Proximity 

Sandra Aguilar Gamez, Mariza Cordon, Dr. Thomas Clobes 


The purpose of this study was to examine how proximity to a dispensary impacts attitudes toward cannabis.

The objective of the study is to understand how individuals feel towards medical and recreational cannabis along with having a cannabis dispensary within their city. We are trying to see if people’s attitudes are positive or negative and if attitudes change toward proximity with cannabis dispensaries.

Methods: The study sample consists of participants with the final total number still pending.
The participants will have access to the survey by a public post on our social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) and flyers will be posted in public locations such as laundromat bulletin boards, coffee shops, and local market shops. The public post will state that the survey is voluntary, anonymous, no personal information will be collected, and participants rights will be protected.


Session 2 – 3:00p.m. – 4:15p.m.

Room C – Sierra 2411