California Public Human Resource Policies: Consideration of Disability as an Element of Diversity

Eloise Cervon, Shayonna Huley, Noel Hubbard, & Dr. Dana Baker


Public sector workplaces serve as model employers, at least in theory. Creating workplaces more inclusive of differences in abilities has long been a goal of public sector workplaces and a public human resource policy analysis.The extent to which disability is engaged as a positive element of diversity and connected to equity, inclusion, and belonging is a more open question. The project focuses on human resource policies in California counties, conducting a content analysis of contemporary policies in force across the state.The project explores the questions: How is disability considered in California public human resource policies and to what extent do considerations reflect an understanding of disability as a positive element of human diversity? Especially as public sector workplaces adapt to changing workplace conditions and expectations in the twenty first century, how public sector workplaces practice disability as diversity demonstrates not only the quality of the workplaces created but the potential for these workplaces to effectively serve as representative governments.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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