Grocery Gap: Limited Accessibility to Healthy Food Options in Southern California

DeJuwuan Pope & Dr. Ruth Calcanas – Golden West College


For decades, certain neighborhoods and social classes have been limited to certain healthier food options and compelled to eat less healthier options based on where they live. This notion
has been normalized in for generations. When making decisions on where to place certain establishments, there is frequent municipal, state, and federal input. This research will begin to explain how grocery gaps and food deserts impacts communities based on their racial economic class. Specifically, it will examine how southern California “fast food” chains and
supermarkets are strategically geographically located to gain economic power while limiting access to healthier food options to communities of color.

DATA USA showcases & displays data specifically by county & city lines on gender, race, economic, geographical, wage, age, and occupational disparities. By analyzing each census
tract, I was able to determine population density and disparities within race in neighborhoods. Utilizing the US CENSUS, I gathered data following the utilization of Grocery stores and Fast Food Restaurants in revenue, population, and county density.

Food accessibility in southern California is highly influenced by race and class. This research examined and analyzed the disparities and availability of fresh, healthy, affordable food options throughout white communities and communities of color. Corporate economic interests have promoted practices that advance new placement of stores in regions where the company feels they will receive the most profits.

According to the data found & reported in the US census; areas that have more persons of color in population tend to exhibit a lack of accessibility to healthier food options. Shifting through the census tracts and comparing various zip codes, I was able to conduct multiple racial discriminations within environment, education, healthcare, and localization analyzation.


Session 2

1:30pm – 2:45pm

Del Norte Hall

Room A: 1555

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