Culturally Sensitive Community-Based Research

Carla Gonzalez & Dr. HyeSun Lee


This study sought to understand the importance of using community-centered approaches as a useful tool for creating culturally sensitive research. Culturally sensitive research relies on researchers to integrate the culture and diversity of a population when conducting research from choosing research ideas to conducting research. Community-based organizations can be a bridging factor between the community and researchers. Allowing a space such as a performing arts center for community needs to be expressed and met can render beneficial in terms of civic engagement among researchers. Community-based organizations provide a space for culturally centered events, participatory arts programs, and local access to live entertainment. Recently, the city of Oxnard has proposed reconstructing the Oxnard Performing Arts Center in order to be replaced by businesses, housing, and other for-profit organizations in the city. Using the Oxnard Performing Arts Center (OPAC) as the study setting, the research conducted will attempt to explain the perceptions of community institutions as a basis for improvement. By analyzing the data gathered from a community impact assessment the performing art center was able to narrow down the priorities of its clients so that it could invest its resources towards meeting those needs. This would align with culturally sensitive research that places the community’s needs, norms, and experiences at the forefront of research being conducted to create trust between researchers and target populations. The procedures outlined in this study can be used for future interactions between other community-based organizations and research groups.


Session 2

1:30pm – 2:45pm

Del Norte Hall

Room C: 1535

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