Racial and Gender Differences in Sleep Time amongst Young Adults

Beronica Garcia & Dr. Luis Sanchez


Importance and Significance : The following research studies young adults ages 18-25 and their sleep time, this information is gathered from The American Time Use Survey
Time perspective Theory elaborates that one’s perceptions of the past, present, andfuture influence one’s behavior, this indicating that they think ahead before their activities.
Life course theory Each life stage affects the next, this analysis people’s lives through structural, social, and cultural context
Research Question: Does the association of one’s Race and Gender interfere with sleep time and are there differences between them?
Data and Methods:
Data from 2003, 2009, 2016, 2019 American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
National Sleep Foundation limits Young Adults to ages 18-25
Dependent Variable: Sleep Time Recoded into Sleep Times Groups
Independent Variables: Race- Ethnicity, Gender, Age

This is highly significant because everyone is impacted differently and there are different responsibilities, demographics, income, and living situations that might differentiate their sleep time. Sleep time is also viewed from different times of sleep which is also very significant when focusing on a specific gender/ race due to the different activities they each have to do/prioritize. There are articles that view marital status and mothers’ time being spent with housework, and sleep, sleep is also interrupted by various factors. I use samples from the 2003-2021 ATUS where respondents are studied with 24 hour time diaries and various factors are taken into consideration here as well when it comes to the household, job marital status etc.I hope to find gaps between the different factors I have listed.


Session 2

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Grand Salon

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