Does Political Party Affect how Farmers View the use of Pesticides?

Palmira Lopez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor


For my research project, I am researching, among people who lived on a farm, why some feel that pesticides are dangerous for the environment while others do not. Among farmers who live on a farm, some feel that pesticides are dangerous because they are the first point of contact when performing manual labor in fields or areas where pesticides are used for treatment. Other farmers do not believe pesticide use is dangerous and believe that pesticides are beneficial since it keeps harmful pests like rats, mice, ticks, and mosquitos away from crops. I have conducted a secondary research data analysis of the 2021 General Social Survey (GSS), to answer my research questions. I conducted a one way Anova in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that farmers attitudes about pesticide use and the effects are associated with their political party. I found that there is little evidence associated with farmers attitudes, beliefs, and their political party. This research is important because past research allows us to understand farmers attitude about the danger of pesticide use, however, it is lacking farmer’s political party affiliation and how this might change their views when it comes to the use of pesticide.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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