An Analysis of the Role of Ancient Egyptian Religion, Dynasties, and Mummification in Egypt.

Cadeya Wright and Dr. Colleen Delaney

Notice: This poster includes images of human remains, such as skeletons or mummies.
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Ancient Egyptian religion held great significance over mummification and burial practices. As time advanced, we see a shift in different dynasties and religions. With these changes in dynasties and religion, the techniques of mummification became more advanced. Researchers have examined ancient Egyptian mummification processes in order to improve our understanding of their religion, beliefs, and daily lives. This research examines the changes in mummification within the changes of dynasties and religion. In this particular research, I will be looking into the 31 dynasties or ruling houses to examine the changes in mummification and religion. I will only be looking at the dynasties that show major changes and influences in religion and mummification. I also will be looking at the importance of gods, origin stories, and myths. It’s important to study the religion of the ancient Egyptians due to how much influence it held over mummification and their ideas and ideologies about death.
Understanding the significance of religion and mummification can provide an understanding of their technological advancements, such as medcine. As for my research, I expect to find solid information on this study that relates back to how religion played and beliefs played a role in the changes that took place in mummification.


  1. This was a really thorough presentation and informative for a subject that I didn’t know too much about. It had similar topics to my presentation when it comes to religions and death culture. Religion is the biggest factor for how a culture handles death, and in your presentation, you focused on the mummification aspect and the affects of religion. In addition to that, you talked about how important religion is in our lives. It was interesting to read about your perspective on the ideology on the different dynasties as well as the different funerary practices. I would love to know more about your further research on early burial rites as well as the different embalming techniques. Great job!

  2. Hi Cadeya, this was so interesting! It’s really fascinating to consider how social changes influence death practices over time. Plus, it’s always fun to learn more about ancient Egypt! I also really like the charts you made to show the differences in mummification practices between the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms. Wonderful job!

  3. Hi Cadeya! interesting topic. The importance of mythology behind these practices gives a lot of context which I find interesting. Religion seems to be the underlying factor. overal, i loved the charts you provided as you can see the shift or differences over time.

  4. Hi Cadeya,
    Great job on your poster and the presentation.
    Religion is such an important part of history. For religion to affect the thought of death and afterlife and the the obsession of preserving the body to secure their “best” afterlife is so fascinating. It’s also interesting the way of mummification changed over time.
    The photo is incredible to see. It’s so amazing how the body is preserved for us to learn from them.
    Awesome Capstone!

  5. Nice to see the final product, and to be reminded all the different data sets we can use to understand past human societies.

  6. Excellent presentation Cadeya! I never knew that Egyptian mummification happened accidentally! I never really considered how Egyptian mummification started, back in my history classes we mainly focused on the fact that they mummified their dead to preserve them, the funeral gifts based on their status, etc. I should have considered that religion played a key role in how they viewed death since it plays such a major part in how death is viewed and how funerals are performed in todays time. This is a thorough presentation that flowed smoothly and provided a lot of information that I feel wasn’t well known before, thank you for teaching me something new and again congratulations on a wonderful presentation!

  7. Thank you Cadeya, I love to learn more of ancient egyptians. I thought that your presentation provides thorough explanation on both religion and mummifications. I enjoyed reading how the mummifications process changed. Religion has such a strong influence then and in modern times on society’s views of death and I appreciate learning more on the role it had for ancient egyptians.

  8. This is an incredibly informative poster regarding the different historical periods that Egypt passed through involving methods of mummification. I never imagined it began with sand burials while they were left in the fetal position, and that their bodies would later be stuffed with straw to preserve the shape when specific internal organs were removed that held religious significance. Ideological ramifications of cultural processes always involve interesting implications. It’s not wonder religious activities are prominent throughout cultural processes, especially ritualized activities.

  9. Cadeya this is so great! I really enjoy how informative your poster is. You did a great job at providing enough context for the viewers to really understand your message. There are so many other influences regarding these rituals that I had never considered. Awesome job.

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