Waging War with Warfarin: A Qualitative Study on the Identities, Behaviors, and Lifestyles of Adults on Warfarin Therapy

Julia Htoon & Dr. Jennifer Randles – CSU Fresno


Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant commonly prescribed to treat and prevent blood clots. Warfarin therapy entails patient-specific dosing, routine blood tests, and a consistent diet and lifestyle. This research explores the intersection between one’s sense of identity, motives for behavior, and lifestyle influenced by taking warfarin. Launched as a pilot project in the fall of 2022, the research is now underway as a comprehensive independent study on lived experiences of warfarin patients and healthcare providers who work in warfarin management. Existing research demonstrates how medical providers interact with patients in response to adverse lab results can shape a patient’s behavior and lifestyle when managing warfarin. Considering most studies emphasize medical and biological elements, there needs to be more inquiry into how taking warfarin can mold one’s understanding of themselves and behavior. To address this need, this study examines patients personally, specifically the social, psychological, and emotional effects of warfarin therapy. Thus far, through in-depth interviews, adult patients have been asked open-ended questions regarding their current lifestyle. Questions about identity and behavior were asked to gauge how warfarin may be a guiding force in their lives. Interview transcripts were coded and qualitatively analyzed, where over-arching themes were extracted. Of the respondents interviewed, patients resonated with the “warfarin patient” identity and expressed curating a lifestyle around warfarin as a primary goal. Maintaining therapeutic blood levels (INR) was a significant challenge. Negative provider interactions sometimes lead patients to honor their free will and act against medical advice. Warfarin patients have exhibited considerable acceptance and perseverance despite personal adversities. Together, social scientific and medical research can remarkably contribute to a holistic comprehension of how patients navigate life on the anticoagulant warfarin.


Session 2

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Grand Salon

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