Mothers in the Labor Force: Returning to Work After Giving Birth

Cindy Torres & Dr. Luis Sanchez


Many women that are in the labor force are mothers. My research will examine women who have given birth and their return to the labor force. We know very little about mothers returning to the labor force after the birth of their child. Some mothers feel guilty leaving their child to go back to work but others return due to financial struggles. Using the American Community Survey to examine women who have given birth in the years of 2000 and compared them in a five-year sample among 2008 to 2012 and 2015 to 2019. My hypothesis will be that there are very little women who return to work in 2000 compared to 2008 to 2019 samples. I believe back then, women were able to be stay at home mothers because of the cost of living was not as expensive as it is in 2019. Among women who have given birth, what percentage of women return to the labor force? Does their occupation play a huge role? I will identify if there is a significant difference among mothers who are married, their occupation, and if there is a difference between their race or ethnicity.


Session 2

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Grand Salon

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