An Examination of Health Insurance Coverage among Latino Nationality Groups in the United States

Fernando Medina & Dr. Luis Sanchez


My research explores Health Insurance Coverage among various Latino nationality groups here in the United States. There are many studies that show the limitations the Latino population faces compared to other nationality groups but I have found that there is a current lack of research comparing Latino groups amongst each other where I hope to fill any current gaps and inspire future research on Latino groups here in the United States. The Latino community has faced the most disparities when it comes to healthcare coverage in the United States, thus giving the Latino community to be faced with more economic barriers from the social structures in the healthcare system. Minorities have been most affected by the social structure of the healthcare system in the United States by being robbed of opportunities in healthcare when compared to the vast majority of U.S. citizens. As for the questions guiding my research they include “What Latino groups are being most affected by the lack of access to health insurance in the United States?” and “What are the differences in nativity status and health insurance coverage among different Latino groups?”. I will be limiting my data to two 5-year samples: 2008-2012 and the 2015-2019, both from the American Community Survey ages 19-64. My independent variable is Healthcare coverage (any) and for my dependent variables they include 6 Latino nationality groups: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan, as well as nativity status, poverty status and Educational attainment. I will also be conducting a Chi squared bivariate analysis in SPSS which test for significant relationships between two categorical variables. The 2008-2012 data set, we had a sample size of 153,065,124. Sub-categorizing 123,038,485 of those as Non-Hispanic Whites and 30,026,639 as Latinos without any type of health coverage.


Session 2

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Grand Salon

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