Recycling Behaviors and Beliefs in Married Couples and Young Adults

Laura Ramirez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor


I conduct a secondary data analysis using the 2021 General Social Survey to research how married and cohabiting couples recycle and if there are any differences in their habits and beliefs about recycling. Previous research shows that women recycle more and are more environmentally friendly than men due to gender roles and socialization. Scholars have found that men disconnect themselves from caring about the environment because they are raised to be strong, and to not have emotional connection which proves their masculinity. Because it has been proven that women recycle more than men, I compared married couples and young adults single adults. My findings had a statistically significant difference in married couples and young adults. Young adults are more reluctant to recycle because of living factors and unsustainable habits. I conduct a means comparison test using a chi square test. My independent variable is gender and my dependent variable is recycling. It is important to understand why young adults are reluctant to recycle because it can determine the future of environmental changes.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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