Latina Working Mothers Currently Enrolled in College

Mayte Mejia & Dr. Luis Sanchez


My proposed study is to look at Latina Mothers who are currently employed and going to school with a child under the age of 5. Education is important it is the American dream for young adults although there are many barriers woman face to achieve this goal. Many factors consists of race, socioeconomic status, employment status, nativity, marital status, age, among others. As a woman who’s constant gender inequalities interfere with their education, career and family because woman have been affected by gender stratification. This supports the Opportunity Cost Theory by Gottfried Haberler, which is the relation between choice and scarcity. The theory that woman give up their careers or education to take care of their children and household. These intersections of education, employment, and immigration status is what shapes their path to obtaining a college education. This research includes data sets from IPUMS USA specifically using data form the Census and American Community Survey (ACS) and I included four different sets of years to analyze 1990 and 2000 that are from the Census and 2012 and 2018 from the American Community Survey. The purpose of this study is to analyze what the trends are and how they have changed over time when certain variables are controlled especially looking at Latina mother’s. The variables used will be employment status, educational attainment, nativity status, marital status, and # of children under the age of 5. My sample includes only females since I will only be looking at mother’s, between the ages 18-50 who have at least completed High school. I will be using SPSS data from the Census and ACS. I will be running my analysis using crosstabulation, univariate and bivariate analyses and create multiple tables and charts.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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