Individual’s Perception of Air Pollution and the Time Spent in Vehicles

Destiny Villegas & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor


My research question is: How does one’s time spent in the car affect one’s perspective that air pollution caused by cars is dangerous for the environment? The concept of air pollution affects global aspects of everyday life. I conducted a secondary data analysis of the General Social Survey (GSS 21). It is very important to study the perception of air pollution because of an individual’s belief and opinion that air pollution caused by cars is dangerous for the environment. Nonetheless, contamination is more connected to social issues, which affect an individual’s health and race, and socioeconomic factors are the cause. In previous research, the studies show that health, urban communities, the belief in the quality of air especially in the United States, and the impact of transportation. Furthermore, I will illustrate by comparing the belief that air pollution caused by cars is dangerous for the environment outside the United States. The test I performed was a correlation because I wanted to gather information about whether there was an existing relationship between the two variables. I find it statistically significant because heavy drivers are the ones who spend more time in their cars. Nonetheless, there are those drivers who are light drivers and everyone in the community, but there is no significance.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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