Increased Political Engagement: Living the Climate Crisis

Mariana Flores & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor


The following research topic is about individuals’ who have experienced extreme weather events. The extreme weather events can be from earthquakes, floods, tsunami and other events. My research question is do individuals who experience extreme weather events are more likely to partake in a protest or demonstration. My hypothesis is that individuals who experienced extreme weather events are more likely to participate in a protest or demonstrations. During 2020, studies have shown that the United States has experienced about 20 weather and climate disasters(MacMillan and Turrentine, 2021). The number of events increases as global warming rises causing different weather events to occur(MacMillan and Turrentine, 202).

I will conduct a secondary data analysis of the 2021 General Social Survey data to test my hypothesis. I will be using the means comparison test to compare the average between participants protesting in a protest or demonstration. I find a statically significant relationship between individuals who experience extreme weather events are more likely to participate in a protest or demonstrations.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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