Grazing for Fire Prevention: Using Goats and Sheep to Control Non-Native Weeds at CSUCI

Selene Lopez, George Hunter Knights, Dr. Ruben Alarcon, & Dr. Amy Denton


Land managers are increasingly using grazing animals to help sustainably control weeds for fire prevention. During the spring of 2023, goats and sheep were brought to the CSUCI campus to clear a 10 acre field of non-native weeds adjacent to University Drive. The purpose of this study was to characterize the vegetation and document the amount of biomass removed by goats and sheep. Prior to their arrival, plants were quantified along twelve 20 meter transects and clipped the vegetation in twenty-one 0.6 x 0.6 m2 plots. The study is ongoing, and the transects and plots will be resampled to document the change in the vegetation. We anticipate that the grazing will result in a significant reduction in plant biomass, thereby reducing the chances of wildfires later in the year. If this study shows a significant change in vegetation biomass, CSUCI may consider using goats and sheep regularly for weed control.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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