Behavioral Attitudes that Deprioritize the Environment

Itzel Aguirre Rodriguez & Dr. Lindsey O’Connor


This project is significant because due to increased climate change there needs to be a better understanding of how human beings play a much bigger role in the increase of it than they believe. My research question to examine how behavior attitudes negatively affect one’s readiness to prioritize the environment. Depending on how others react to the environment and its climate change it will affect how much others will actually want to step up or not. For there to be any change being done by others there needs to be environmental awareness in order to get a reaction for society to make a change. I conducted a secondary data analysis of the 2021 General Social Survey in order to see if there was a correlation between one’s behavioral attitudes and the effect of deprioritizing the environment. I conducted a correlation test for my variables. While running my data I found that there is statistically significant correlation between doing more important things in life than protecting the environment.


Session 1

9:30am – 11:00am

Grand Salon

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