ChatGPT in the Workplace: Use Cases in Marketing

Medhi Ben Amar & Dr. Minder Chen


A recent development in artificial intelligence (AI) is the emergence of foundation models. A large language model (LLM) is an example of a foundation model pre-training with large amounts of unlabeled text-based data through a transformation algorithm converting words or tokens from text into vectors in a multidimensional space. ChatGPT is an application built on top of an LLM called GPT 3.5 after fine-tuning it by reinforcement learning with human feedback such that it can produce coherent and engaging text-based dialogues with users on a variety of topics and performing useful tasks such as idea generation, summarization, and translation.
Released on Nov. 30, 2022, ChatGPT allows users to chat with an LLM vis a simple web user interface for free. It has democratized Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) to make it accessible to people who have access to the Internet. The impact of ChatGPT in the workplace is evident. In this research, we will identify use cases of ChatGPT in real-world business settings based on literature reviews.
One effective way of using ChatGPT is through prompt engineering, which involves designing and optimizing prompts that elicit desired outputs from the underlying LLM. We will develop a basic framework for chatting with ChatGPT. We will explain what the context of a chat is and what the constructs of a prompt are. One area in business where ChatGPT use is thriving is marketing. Our research will study prompt marketplaces such as or prompt aggregating sites such as to classify use cases of ChatGPT in marketing. We will identify prompting strategies and patterns used by marketing professionals.
In conclusion, we shall examine the possibilities of knowledge workers and generative AI tools such as ChatGPT collaborating seamlessly. It is conceivable that ChatGPT could function as a digital virtual assistant and a co-pilot(i.e., a digital co-worker).


Session 1

11:15am – 12:30pm

Del Norte Hall

Room A: 1555

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